Exploring the Impact of Dendritic Cell Therapy on Brain Cancer Patients at Immucura

Impact of Dendritic Cell Therapy on Brain Cancer Patients at Immucura
Success rates of DCT for brain cancer


Brain cancer, a condition characterized by the abnormal growth of cells within the brain, poses significant challenges to both patients and healthcare providers. Despite its complexities, recent advancements in medical research offer hope for improved outcomes and enhanced quality of life for those affected by this devastating disease. One such advancement is the utilization of immunotherapy, particularly Dendritic Cell Therapy (DCT), which shows good success rates in managing brain cancer. This article reveals data from Immucura regarding brain cancer, shedding light on its prevalence, stages, and the efficacy of immunotherapy, specifically Dendritic Cell Therapy, in improving patient prognosis.


Brain cancer, also known as malignant brain tumour, is a condition where abnormal cells within the brain grow uncontrollably, forming a mass known as a tumour. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), brain cancer is a significant public health concern, with an estimated 28 cases diagnosed annually worldwide. These tumours can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), with malignant tumours posing greater risks to health and requiring more aggressive treatment approaches.

Distribution of Patients by Brain Cancer Stages

Analysis of brain cancer stages reveals the severity of the disease and its impact on patient outcomes. At Immucura, a comprehensive examination of brain cancer cases identified the following distribution among different stages:

Stage 4: 78.6%

Stage 3: 3.6%

Stage 2: 10.7%

Unknown Stage: 7.1%

Additionally, a significant proportion of patients presented with metastatic brain cancer, emphasising the urgent need for effective therapeutic interventions targeting advanced disease progression.

Efficacy Data: Survival Rates for Brain Cancer Patients

Survival rates serve as a critical measure of treatment effectiveness and patient prognosis. Despite the challenges posed by advanced stages of brain cancer, Immucura’s data reveals notable survival rates among patients who underwent immunotherapy.

One-Year Survival: For all stages of brain cancer, the one-year survival rate stands at 63%, indicating the potential efficacy of treatment modalities, including immunotherapy.

Two-Year Survival: , The two-year survival rate is situated at 28.6%, demonstrating sustained effectiveness in managing the disease.

Three-Year Survival: After three years post-diagnosis, the survival rate for all stages of brain cancer is 21.1%, highlighting advancements in long-term management strategies.

Five-Year Survival: The five-year survival rate for all stages of brain cancer stands at 15.8%, indicating improved outcomes over an extended period.

Impact of Dendritic Cell Therapy on Brain Cancer Patients

Immunotherapy, particularly Dendritic Cell Therapy, has emerged as a promising approach to managing brain cancer. Among the patients analyzed at Immucura:

DCT demonstrated a favourable safety profile, with the majority (93.7%) of patients experiencing no adverse effects related to brain cancer.

Specifically for patients with stage 4 brain cancer, the survival rates following Dendritic Cell Therapy are noteworthy:

One-year survival: 55%

Two-year survival: 18.8%

Three-year survival: 7.1%

Five-year survival: 7.1%

While these numbers underscore the challenges associated with advanced-stage brain cancer, they also highlight the potential benefits of immunotherapy in improving patient outcomes and extending survival.


Brain cancer remains a formidable health challenge, with a significant number of individuals diagnosed annually worldwide. Immucura’s analysis of brain cancer statistics underscores the prevalence of advanced-stage diseases and the urgent need for effective therapeutic interventions. Immunotherapy, particularly Dendritic Cell Therapy, shows promise in improving survival rates and enhancing long-term outcomes for brain cancer patients. Moving forward, continued research and clinical trials are essential to harness the full potential of immunotherapy and provide hope for individuals affected by this devastating disease.